
A 53-year-old male suffering from atrophic gastritis, accompanied by esophageal hiatus hernia, positive Helicobacter pylori (HP) status, and gastritis. Although he has undergone eradication treatment for Helicobacter pylori, he still experiences acid regurgitation and abdominal pain. He inquires whether he can take Morodan and what its mechanism of action and efficacy are in treating atrophic gastritis.


It is permissible to take Morodan. Its action mechanism involves harmonizing the stomach and reversing the flow, strengthening the spleen and eliminating dampness, and relieving pain. In addition to symptomatic treatment for atrophic gastritis, patients should seek expert advice and maintain good communication with their doctors. Furthermore, patients should pay attention to their diet, keep it light and easy to digest, and engage in more physical activity. At the same time, they should choose a regular hospital for treatment to achieve better therapeutic outcomes.