
I’m 40 days pregnant and have developed chickenpox. Does it affect the fetus? How should I treat it? What precautions should I take? I’ve had chickenpox for 2 days now and haven’t taken any medication, thank you~


Disease Analysis: Hello, chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It has a high transmission rate. The disease is self-limiting, and after recovery, lifelong immunity can be obtained, and it can also recur as shingles years later. Chickenpox during pregnancy can infect the fetus, leading to neonatal chickenpox or varicella pneumonia, encephalitis, and neurological diseases. Guidance: It is recommended to isolate early until all rashes have crusted over. Children who have been in contact with chickenpox should be isolated for observation for 3 weeks. There is no specific treatment for this disease; it mainly involves symptomatic treatment to prevent secondary skin infections, maintain cleanliness, and avoid itching. Strengthen care to prevent secondary infections. Actively isolate patients to prevent transmission. For those with low resistance, intramuscular injection of gamma globulin 3ml/day for three consecutive days can be considered.