
I have had kidney disease syndrome in the past, and although my condition has improved after treatment, I have been experiencing dizziness and have been diagnosed with hypertension in recent months. I have been married for over two years and have not had any children yet. Now my in-laws are urging us to have a child, but I am worried about whether my health condition allows for it.


Your concerns are valid. Since you have had kidney disease syndrome and recently experienced dizziness and hypertension, it is advisable to consult a nephrologist before deciding to get pregnant. The doctor needs to understand your kidney function and urine test results in detail to assess whether your physical condition is suitable for pregnancy. If your kidney function and urine test results show that the condition is not severe, and you receive approval from the nephrologist, you can consider trying to get pregnant. However, if your kidney function is poor, it is not recommended to get pregnant as this may affect both your and your baby’s health.