
My 18-month-old baby has been having 23 soft stools a day before, non-water-like. After taking Montmorillonite powder and medication prescribed by the hospital, and drinking formula that causes nausea and vomiting, the baby now also has a little stool in their urine, sometimes once, sometimes twice, and the stools are still soft and runny. How should I make the baby take the medication seriously, and can they still drink the formula that causes nausea and vomiting? They’ve been drinking it for half a month now. The hospital has carefully checked the baby’s stool routine and it has always been normal.


I’m glad to help you out. Based on your description, it seems that your baby might have some disharmony in their spleen and stomach. I suggest giving your baby some medicine to strengthen their spleen and stomach, such as Children’s Xingpi Oral Liquid or Qipi Pill. Also, adopt a strategy of eating small meals frequently and having a light diet, avoiding spicy and irritating foods.