
My child snores during afternoon naps and coughs in the morning. Medication has not alleviated the symptoms. Later, a severe cough led to hospitalization. The doctor carefully examined the lung periphery and we were hospitalized for 7 days. Half a month after discharge, the coughing is severe again. What should we do? All medications have failed. Now, with stomach and urinary tract inflammation, the cough has turned into pneumonia. I’m so worried.


This condition in your baby might also be caused by an impaired immune function. It’s essential to enhance care and ensure your child consumes more fresh fruits and vegetables. When going out, always remember to wear a mask to prevent catching a cold or having stomach issues, which could prevent the condition from escalating into pneumonia. You can consider giving your child calcium, iron, and zinc oral liquids or Pidotimod oral solution to boost their resistance or immunity.