
My 14-month-old baby fell down the stairs while I wasn’t watching, and I don’t know which step he fell from. He cried when he landed, and after I picked him up and cried for a while, he seemed fine, acting normally and playing with full concentration. However, he vomited on the third day, vomiting once every two hours after eating. After taking antiemetic medication, he vomited once after a good night’s sleep. On the third morning, he had diarrhea, and by 7 p.m. that night, he had another bowel movement, totaling three times in the morning. After taking anti-diarrheal medication, he stopped having diarrhea. During this period, he was able to eat and play, and his spirits were still good. Do I need to take my baby to the doctor?


For now, if the baby’s general condition is still good, you can first focus on observation and consideration. It’s possible that the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are a delayed reaction to the injury. During the observation period, if any other discomfort arises, you can go to the hospital for a follow-up examination and treatment. This is a suggestion for the question “Does a 14-month-old baby need to be taken to the doctor after falling down the stairs?” I hope it helps you. Wishing you health!