
As a child, I had a poor memory and would daydream during tutoring sessions. Now, during my afternoon nap, I’m constantly moving, as if I can’t stand still for a second. My emotions are unstable, and I get angry easily. Sometimes, I feel like crying for no apparent reason, and I’m indecisive! Now that I’m married and have a child who is three months old, she is always moving as well. If she stops moving for a moment, she gets upset. I think it might be genetic, but how do I treat this ADHD? I want to ask the doctor how to carefully diagnose me and my child for ADHD. If we are diagnosed with ADHD, how high are the treatment costs? My family is not wealthy in the countryside, and I don’t want my child to take the same path as me, attending tutoring sessions and daydreaming during them, not practicing well, and not having any shortcuts in the future!


ADHD in children can be diagnosed through careful examination. However, since the child is still young, intelligence tests and other detailed examinations cannot be conducted. Moreover, young children tend to be more active, which is a result of their brain growth and development. Don’t put too much pressure on the child at such a young age; let them grow up in a relaxed environment. In daily life, eat more foods rich in zinc and selenium, such as fish, lean meat, peanuts, sesame seeds, dairy products, mushrooms, eggs, garlic, etc., and you can also take zinc supplements appropriately.