
The four-year-old child has a fever and cough due to viral infection, without pneumonia. The child has been taking Oseltamivir for a day and a half, along with Children’s Lung Clearing syrup. Initially, the fever was low during the day or 38.5 degrees at night, but now it’s low during the day as well. What should be done?


Based on the detailed description you provided, it’s not clear to see the detailed examination results. Considering the upper respiratory infection caused by viral infection, since the baby is currently in this condition, continue to take Oseltamivir granules. You can also try Children’s Hot Speed Clear granules, Children’s Lung Cough granules, and take some ibuprofen suspension to reduce fever if the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees. Drink plenty of water. If the fever persists intermittently, it is recommended to check for mycoplasma pneumoniae.