
My son is 1 year old, and this year, I’ve noticed that he seems to be getting fatter. He also eats more than most children his age, and he’s not willing to exercise. How should I treat a child who is overweight and loves meat?


For children with obvious symptoms of obesity, parents can encourage them to engage in more physical activities and avoid picky eating. Initially, parents can increase the intensity of exercise during physical activities, such as jogging, by gradually adding half a lap at a time. Moreover, children should consume more fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples and kiwis. It is essential to prohibit the consumption of high-calorie foods like cakes and chestnuts. If a child lies down immediately after eating, parents must help correct this undesirable behavior. During the treatment of obesity, parents should conduct reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is crucial to go to the hospital to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.