
Dear reader, my daughter is currently 1 year old, and over the past year, I’ve noticed that she seems to be getting fatter and can eat several bowls of rice in one meal. She usually doesn’t like to play after eating. How should I treat a child who loves meat and is obese?


If you find that your child has pediatric obesity, it’s important to arrange exercise and healthy eating properly. You can start by letting your child engage in aerobic exercises such as jogging, climbing hills, swimming, etc., and encourage them to consume high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots. Prohibit your child from consuming high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Additionally, help your child correct bad habits like not moving after eating or being picky. During treatment, parents should carry out reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is imperative to seek medical advice to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.