
My child is four years old. They have been having bowel movements every four to five days for over a year now. The stool is hard at first and then softens. They initially took five boxes of antibiotics, and the stool didn’t get as dry as before. However, they still have bowel movements every four to five days. They have been taking Suvion and probiotics for a month now, but there has been no significant improvement. The child is not lacking in meat, and they eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. They also drink enough water every day. What is the situation? My parents also have severe constipation, could this be a generational inheritance?


There is a certain degree of generational inheritance involved. If the mother has a habit of constipation, the child is more likely to experience it again. For those with constipation, it is recommended to pay attention to good daily habits to prevent recurrent constipation. The diet should be light, with less spicy, fried, oil-fried, and strong alcohol, which are difficult to digest and irritating foods. More fruits, vegetables, and fibrous foods should be consumed, along with plenty of water. Particularly, foods like bananas and honey that are good for bowel movements should be eaten, and the habit of regular bowel movements should be cultivated.