
Two days ago, a 12-year-old girl noticed some blood-like substances on her pants, in small amounts, similar to the discharge when an adult has inflammation. There was a bit on the first and third day, but no discomfort. She has entered puberty, with breast development and pubic hair. Is this a sign of impending menstruation? Will she start menstruating next month?


Based on your description, your daughter may be in the stage of approaching menstruation, which is why there is the appearance of blood-stained discharge. Since she is still young and her ovaries have not fully developed, menstruation may not occur on schedule. There is no need to worry too much; just ensure that your daughter keeps her vaginal area clean, changes her underwear frequently, and avoids bathing in a bathtub during her period. Pay attention to staying warm and avoid eating spicy and cold foods. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you health!