
Dear Baby, she is currently 8 years old. This year, I’ve noticed that my child is getting fatter and fatter, and she can eat several bowls of rice in one meal, and she doesn’t like to exercise. How should I treat a child who is overweight and loves meat?


If you notice signs of childhood obesity in your child, it’s important to first establish a reasonable exercise plan and a healthy diet schedule for them. It’s recommended to have your child participate in aerobic activities such as jogging, hill climbing, swimming, etc. During this period, encourage your child to consume foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, kiwis, etc., while avoiding high-calorie foods like peanuts, hamburgers, and the like. At the same time, help your child correct bad habits such as not moving after meals or being picky about food. If the aforementioned methods do not alleviate your child’s obesity symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly to further investigate the cause and prevent the condition from worsening.