
The newborn has had milk curd stool since birth. In the initial three days, only formula milk was given. Later, a mix of breast milk and formula was fed. Despite taking probiotics, there was no improvement. It was then suggested that the baby might have lactose intolerance, and lactase was introduced. However, after two consecutive days, the stool was still entirely milk curd, and even passing gas would bring out the curd.


Based on the description of your baby’s condition, the possible cause is dyspepsia. Recommended measures include: conducting regular stool checks, increasing the intake of warm water, supplementing probiotics to adjust the intestinal flora, adopting a small and frequent feeding method, changing the brand of formula milk, if breastfed, the mother should maintain a light diet, and after breastfeeding, provide the baby with abdominal massage (in a clockwise direction) for 10-15 minutes to aid digestion and absorption.