
My daughter, 11 months old, has had a fever since this morning. Her temperature was around 38.2 degrees Celsius after several measurements in the afternoon, with no other obvious symptoms (including coughing and runny nose). By evening, her temperature dropped below 38.5 degrees Celsius. Ibuprofen was administered, and about half an hour later, her temperature returned to normal. This morning, she had a fever again, reaching around 38.2 degrees Celsius. We went to the hospital for a blood test (see attached image), and the clinical diagnosis was confirmed as acute upper respiratory infection. Medication was prescribed, and the doctor said this condition may last for 3 days. In the afternoon, after returning home, her temperature rose again to 39 degrees Celsius. Ibuprofen was administered once more, but her temperature did not decrease after about half an hour. How should we deal with this situation? Additionally, can the blood test results rule out blood diseases such as leukemia? Since we just moved into a newly renovated house (2 months ago) and have been keeping the windows open for ventilation, I am worried about the effect of formaldehyde on my baby. Please answer my concerns, thank you.


According to the blood test results, there is a decrease in white blood cells and neutrophils, and the white blood cell morphology is normal, indicating a very low possibility of leukemia. The most likely scenario is pediatric roseola, caused by human herpesvirus infection, which typically lasts for 3-5 days with fever followed by the appearance of rashes upon resolution of fever. It is recommended to continue monitoring the condition and follow the doctor’s instructions for medication. Keep the indoor air well-ventilated and reduce exposure to formaldehyde.