
My baby is two months old and has had nasal congestion for about a month. She makes a gurgling sound while feeding and is normal during her afternoon nap. Although there is no runny nose, some secretion is found in her nostrils every day. In the past half month, she has been experiencing regurgitation, occurring about twice a day, and she coughs slightly when lying flat during play. I think this might be caused by saliva. Apart from feeding, napping, and being in good spirits, the baby tends to regurgitate easily, but her body temperature is normal. Is this situation possibly pneumonia?


Dear inquirer, based on your description, I suggest you take your child to the hospital for a detailed examination, including a physical examination and necessary tests. Only through these examinations can the doctor accurately assess your child’s condition and provide appropriate treatment recommendations. Please actively cooperate with the treatment according to the doctor’s instructions and wish your baby a speedy recovery. You can try using a warm towel to apply cold compresses to your child; if the symptoms do not improve, please seek medical attention promptly.