
A parent inquires about how to address the issue of abdominal distension in a seven-day-old infant who is being exclusively formula-fed. The parent notes that initially, feeding was not done on a fixed schedule, leading to abdominal distension and a protruding navel. Although feeding on a schedule was later established, the child often shows signs of hunger and cries excessively during feedings, affecting sleep quality. The child measures 59 centimeters in height and weighs 10.5 pounds, with each feeding consisting of 100 milliliters. The parent asks for guidance on how to handle this situation.


Experts advise that during artificial feeding, it is crucial to strictly adhere to the instructions on the formula packaging and determine appropriate feeding amounts based on the baby’s age. Currently, the baby’s height and weight are within the normal range, and crying may be due to indigestion and abdominal distension. Experts also mention that careful observation of the baby’s stool is necessary; if there are no abnormalities, there is no need for excessive concern, and feeding should continue according to the formula instructions. Furthermore, to relieve abdominal distension, keeping the abdomen warm and considering pediatric massage therapy may be helpful.