
A 14-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea, dry vomiting, and a fever since 5 PM on the previous day. The diagnosis is rotavirus infection. As of the 8th, the baby still has a fever, with the highest temperature reaching 39.5°C. During this period, there have been instances of vomiting, with diarrhea occurring about five to six times a day, and the stool has now improved to a paste-like consistency. The parents are inquiring about how long this condition will last and whether they should continue to administer the doctor-prescribed Dulaobao, probiotics, and rehydration salts.


Based on the parent’s description, the baby’s recurrent high fever may not be ruled out as pneumonia-related. It is recommended to immediately take the baby to the pediatric department for a physical examination and chest X-ray if necessary. If pneumonia is diagnosed, hospitalization will be required. When the body temperature is below 38.5°C during the fever, oral antipyretics can be used.