
My daughter is 9 years old, and I’ve noticed that she has been getting heavier lately, and she seems to be eating more than ever. She doesn’t like to go out to play, and she loves meat. How should I treat her obesity?


If a child is suffering from obesity, parents should alleviate the symptoms by encouraging physical activity and a healthy diet. They can start by having the child learn to swim, as the resistance of water during swimming is much greater than that of air during land-based exercise, leading to faster fat consumption. High-fiber vegetables like winter melon and tomatoes should be included in the diet more often. It’s important to prohibit the child from eating high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. In daily life, avoid letting the child eat snacks in bed or lie down immediately after eating, as these bad habits can also lead to fat accumulation. During treatment, parents should always monitor the child’s condition, and in severe cases, treatment should be conducted under a doctor’s guidance without resorting to blind treatments.