
A 3-year-old girl, just started kindergarten, has been experiencing ear pain recently. In the morning, there’s a lot of yellow earwax, and she also has headaches and fever. What is the best way to treat childhood otitis media and earache?


If a child has otitis media, it is first advisable to use symptomatic antibiotic medication, which can be treated regionally. You can use anti-inflammatory ear drops for treatment. If the symptoms are primarily ear pain, consider giving some painkillers. Some children may also have fever, in which case you can give them oral fever-reducing medicine. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, it is imperative to seek medical attention. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child’s condition is severe and there is a perforation of the eardrum, hospital surgery may be required. During treatment, it is important to ensure the child gets adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. Also, make sure the child gets plenty of rest and avoids fatigue.