
Two days ago, my 1-year-8-month-old child suddenly started coughing. Over the past two nights, he seems to have woken up multiple times due to phlegm in his throat, and his breathing has also become somewhat labored. Although he had been coughing and had phlegm before, it didn’t affect his breathing. I want to know what’s going on this time?


Based on your description, your child is showing symptoms of cough, sputum production, and labored breathing. These symptoms may be caused by bronchitis or pneumonia. It is advisable to take your child to a pediatrician immediately for a diagnosis and to follow the doctor’s guidance for medication. If necessary, nebulizer inhalation therapy can be used to help expel phlegm. Please closely monitor your child’s breathing condition, and if there are any problems with breathing, seek medical attention immediately. The above is a suggestion for the question “What caused the sudden cough in a 1-year-8-month-old baby?” I hope this helps you, and wish your child a speedy recovery!