My baby is almost 3 months old and has been eating Ad for deep sleep for 15 days, but the sleep quality is not very good, some nights are restless. The baby’s daytime naps are short, lasting no more than 2 hours. Is this a sign of calcium deficiency? Do I need to supplement with calcium? Should I choose milk calcium, gluconate calcium, or carbonate calcium? How should I decide? And at what age should my baby start supplementing with DHA?
I am your attending physician, and I will help you solve this problem. Based on your description, your child is currently taking vitamin D supplements. If you are breastfeeding your baby, the mother must supplement with calcium so that there is calcium in the breast milk. The baby only needs to take vitamin D because it is involved in calcium absorption. The baby can get calcium from breast milk alone. If the mother does not supplement with calcium, the baby can take carbonate calcium granules. There is no need to supplement with DHA for a baby who is breastfed.