
The child’s diarrhea has persisted for half a month, with loose, mud-like stools and occasionally blood strands. Hidden blood and stool routine tests, as well as stool culture tests, have been performed, and the results are all normal. The condition was previously treated and improved, but it recurred shortly thereafter. I don’t know what further checks should be done?


Based on your description, the child has been experiencing persistent diarrhea accompanied by visible blood strands in the stools. The stool is potentially positive for hidden blood and is sterile. From these symptoms and examination results, it appears that the child’s gastrointestinal function may be disrupted, but there are no major issues. It is recommended to stop taking all medication and take the child to a regular hospital’s Traditional Chinese Medicine department for acupuncture therapy. Improvement is expected within 2 to 3 days. After about a week of acupuncture treatment, the child should recover largely.