
About two months ago, the child began to breathe through their mouth during sleep and sometimes experiences difficulty breathing, taking a breath after a pause. This condition worsens at night but is normal during the day. In the morning, the child complains of leg pain. No treatment has been received yet, and the parents are worried about the severity of the situation and inquire about possible causes and how to provide appropriate help. Is it possible that the child’s poor appetite is due to calcium deficiency?


Chest tightness is a feeling of discomfort in the chest and difficulty breathing. A mild case may be neurogenic, meaning there is a dysfunction in heart and lung function, and there are no obvious organic changes after medical examination. Severe chest tightness may be a symptom of heart and lung diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia, or chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, and pulmonary heart disease, which all require medical examination to confirm. In the case of the child, the specific treatment plan should be determined based on their condition.