
Doctor, my baby is almost 50 days old. I’ve heard from friends that it’s time to start giving my child cod liver oil. But when I asked my doctor, she said to wait until the baby has just one bowel movement a day. Is that correct? My baby currently has two to three bowel movements a day. Also, my baby was full-term, but at birth, he only weighed 4.8 pounds. All the weight gain was on me. What effects might there be if I start cod liver oil too late? Previous treatment and outcomes: None. Assistance sought: Please reply, thank you!


Your baby can digest cod liver oil as early as 15 days old. You need to be patient with the daily dose. Also, on sunny days, it’s good for them to get some outdoor sun exposure. If the bowel movements are normal, you can also give some Shenling Baizhu Powder for a week to treat diarrhea; it should improve in a few days. The above suggestions are for the question ‘Should I start my baby on cod liver oil after one month?’ I hope this helps you, and wish you health!