
Last night at 5:30 PM, the 14-month-old baby ate dinner. By 7:30 PM, after finishing the milk, the baby woke up after half an hour and vomited all night, vomiting five or six times in total, with the last vomit only being yellow fluid. We went to the hospital for an ultrasound and it was fine. We were prescribed some probiotics, and the baby hasn’t vomited since midnight until 3 AM today. This morning, after eating a little porridge, the baby took a nap before lunchtime and drank milk. By 3:30 PM, when it was time to eat dinner, the baby ate a little but didn’t want to eat more and threw up the porridge and water that were eaten. The stool is all normal. What is the reason? What should I feed the baby? Should I still feed it?


This situation may be due to acute gastroenteritis. If it’s autumn, it could be due to autumn nausea. Generally, it’s recommended to take more digestive probiotics to stabilize gastrointestinal function. If nausea and vomiting are severe, a little montmorillonite powder can be taken to stabilize nausea and vomiting symptoms. If dehydration is severe, intravenous fluid replacement may be necessary. Symptoms usually last for about a week and can gradually improve. It is suggested to start with a little porridge, not too much, as the baby’s absorption function is not very good at the moment.