
A two-month-and-ten-day-old baby, she has been sleeping a lot lately, less during the postpartum period, and now seems to sleep even more. Is this normal? When she wakes up naturally, she plays very well, and if I wake her up and don’t let her sleep, she cries.


The two-month-old baby’s daily routine is still irregular. She has been sleeping a lot during her afternoon nap lately, which is also within the normal range. As long as she is well-rested and in good spirits after sleeping, there is no need to worry excessively. You can gradually adjust the baby’s daily routine, often take the baby outside to bask in the sun, and properly digest calcium to ensure healthy growth. We hope you will go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible to seek early treatment so that you can get rid of disease Troubled. Wishing you health and well-being.