
My child has a fever, and I rubbed her chest and back with alcohol yesterday morning. This morning, I noticed lots of red dots on her body and head. It seems like an allergic reaction. Can the child’s allergic reaction to alcohol go away on its own?


The child’s condition is an allergic reaction, likely related to the alcohol rub. However, since there are other ingredients in alcohol besides alcohol itself, it’s not easy to pinpoint the exact allergen. If the child feels only mild itching, medication may not be necessary, as the symptoms will gradually disappear along with the decomposition and metabolism of the allergen. The rash will also fade over time. If the itching is intolerable, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication like Cetirizine syrup can be used. Due to the large area affected, it is not recommended to use topical medications. In addition, it should be more cautious when using alcohol for medication and disinfection in the future.