
My child is one year and five months old. Their tongue is sore, and they cry when eating. They’ve had oral ulcers for three days now. We’ve visited a small clinic, and we want to know how we can help them heal faster?


Based on your description, your child may have oral ulcers, which are often caused by a lack of vitamin B complex, poor diet, or unclean oral hygiene. Symptoms include oral ulcers and pain. I suggest giving your child oral vitamin B2, applying an oral ulcer powder, or rinsing the face with vitamin C and cimetidine injections to promote ulcer healing. It’s important to ensure that your child’s diet is balanced and varied, eat smaller, more frequent meals, and consume foods rich in riboflavin such as egg yolks, carrots, and salted duck eggs. Also, make sure to brush their teeth and rinse their mouth frequently to prevent bacteria from growing in food residue. I hope my answer is helpful!