
My child is three and a half years old. Yesterday afternoon, they started coughing occasionally, and it was non-stop at night, but not severe. Today, they’ve been feeling listless and wanting to take naps during the day. Both cheeks are red and flushed, as are the ears. There’s no fever, and there’s occasionally clear nasal mucus. The cough produces phlegm. What could this be?


Based on the symptoms you’ve described, it seems your child may be experiencing an upper respiratory infection. It is recommended to closely observe your child first, as upper respiratory infections are typically treated with antiviral medications and symptomatic relief. If the condition does not improve, it is advisable to take your baby to a regular hospital for a thorough pediatric examination. Blood tests for blood count, CRP, and mycoplasma should be conducted, and it’s best to take an X-ray of the chest to clearly determine the cause before implementing targeted treatment.