
Why have my hands and feet been numb for several years, and yet the cause cannot be found? I have tried many medications and acupuncture methods, but nothing has worked. What could be the reason?


A patient who has been suffering from numbness in their hands and feet for several years has tried various treatment methods without improvement. This condition may be due to poor circulation of Qi and blood, leading to a lack of nourishment in the meridians of the skin and muscles. The causes may include Qi deficiency, Blood deficiency, Wind-Damp Obstruction, Phlegm and Stasis Blockage, etc. The patient should seek a diagnosis and treatment from an experienced doctor. Especially for middle-aged individuals with a chubby body type who experience numbness in the index finger, middle finger, or root of the tongue, timely preventive measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of stroke. During humid or cold weather, the numbness symptoms may worsen, and patients should pay attention to keeping warm and preventing dampness.