
I brought a can of Red Bull home yesterday, intending to give it to my husband to drink. However, he didn’t drink it and ended up giving it to my child instead. I didn’t see it at the time, but when he finished, I looked at the packaging instructions and it said: Not suitable for adolescents. What should I do? Has it been safe for him to drink it?


Based on the situation you described, Red Bull can boost the body’s metabolism, eliminate and compress sugars, quickly digest large amounts of energy substances, and adjust the function of the nervous system, thereby achieving effects like refreshing the mind, aiding digestion, and combating fatigue. The reason Red Bull is not suitable for adolescents is mainly due to the caffeine content, which can slow down heart rate and stimulate breathing. It’s okay if a child drinks it occasionally. There’s no need to worry about long-term or excessive consumption. I hope this helps you. Wishing you good health!