
My son is 8 years old. He was diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis on February 20th and has been following the doctor’s orders to use Fusic and Si Ran medications for two weeks. However, there is still a slight blinking situation. The frequent blinking has persisted for over a month, and I am asking whether medication should continue.


Based on the information you provided, it is recommended to visit a regular ophthalmology department for an examination to determine the improvement of the eye inflammation and decide on the next step of treatment accordingly. In daily life, it is important to enhance your child’s nutrition and care, ensure a balanced diet, avoid fussy eating, and prevent your child from rubbing their eyes with their hands. Encourage good eye habits, maintain eye hygiene, prevent eye fatigue, and avoid excessive use of computer games and mobile phones. Additionally, wash your child’s towels and pillowcases frequently, boil them after washing, and expose them to sunlight to prevent cross-infection.