
The baby was supposed to receive the second dose of the polio vaccine and the first dose of the DTP vaccine two months ago, but they had some cough with phlegm at that time and were not vaccinated. Now there is no phlegm, but there is still occasional coughing, especially when waking up or crying, and only a few coughs a day. The first dose of the polio vaccine has not been administered yet. Ask whether it is possible to receive a catch-up polio vaccine now.


The baby currently has residual respiratory inflammation, possibly due to incomplete treatment of a previous cold. Under this condition, vaccination can be considered. However, after vaccination, there may be a decrease in immunity, so it is necessary to closely monitor the baby’s condition and try to reduce contact with infectious sources. At the same time, encourage the baby to drink plenty of water and rest more. If parents have cold symptoms, they should try to avoid contact with the baby. This is the suggestion for the question ‘Can a baby with cough but no fever receive vaccination?’ I hope it helps and wish the baby good health!