
A 1.5-year-old baby received the MMR vaccine on Monday and started having a fever on Tuesday morning, with a body temperature ranging between 37.8-38.2 degrees. The baby took Tylenol for fever reduction before bedtime on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, the baby’s head was still hot, the cheeks were very red, and the body temperature remained at 37.5 degrees. Should the baby be taken to the hospital? Wiping the body with alcohol did not have any effect.


It is normal for a child to have a fever around 38 degrees after receiving a vaccine, which usually lasts for one to two days and then subsides. It is advisable to drink plenty of water and ensure adequate rest. If the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be taken orally. If physical cooling is desired, lukewarm water can be used; alcohol should not be applied.