
The 13-month-old girl is 69CM tall and weighs 7.5 kg. Her blood test report shows that the percentage of neutrophils is low at 24.8% (below the normal range of 50-70%), and the percentage of lymphocytes is elevated at 69.9% (above the normal range of 20-40%). Is there inflammation or a virus in the body? However, the baby has no adverse reactions such as fever or diarrhea. The blood test was done as part of a check-up for slow growth and development, and a thyroid function test was also conducted. The results of the full blood trace elements and osteogenic alkaline phosphatase will be available in two weeks. The thyroid function test shows an increase in total T3 to 2.01 (normal range: 0.80-2.00) and free T3 to 7.7 (normal range: 2.8-7.1), with other indices normal.


Dear parent, during infancy, the proportion of lymphocytes is generally similar to that of neutrophils. Currently, your neutrophil count is much lower, while the lymphocyte count is much higher, which is usually due to viral infection. According to your thyroid function test results, there is a possibility of hyperthyroidism in the child, and further examination is needed. The blood routine is just a screening test; this result can be treated with antiviral therapy and increased water intake. Specific treatment will depend on the detailed examination results.