
My 8-month-old baby has had a fever for two days now. She started running a fever yesterday, and I gave her medicine, but it only temporarily reduced the fever, and it came back once the medication wore off. The highest temperature reached 38.5 degrees, and after taking the medicine, it dropped to 37.5 degrees. What should I do in this situation?


An 8-month-old baby with a fever is generally related to viral infections, and fever reduction is only a symptomatic solution that does not address the root cause. For this situation, you can use Shuanghuanglian Granules (a traditional Chinese medicine), and also appropriately use drugs that promote perspiration and relieve retention. The effect should be relatively good. It is recommended to keep the child’s diet light and drink plenty of warm water. If there is no improvement, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination and treatment promptly.