
My child, who is two years old, has been coughing for two weeks now, and it’s not too severe. But starting yesterday, the coughing has become more intense, and coughing too much causes choking and vomiting. We took an X-ray at the hospital and there were no issues, no pneumonia. However, the mycoplasma test was positive. This afternoon at 4:30 PM, we gave him a packet of Erythromycin suspension mixed with milk. At 8:30 PM tonight, after playing wildly, he had a severe coughing fit and vomited. I want to know if I should still take the Erythromycin since it’s been nearly four hours since I took it. Is the Erythromycin still effective? Could it be that it hasn’t had enough time to absorb before being vomited out and not producing any effect?


Firstly, it needs to be clarified that Erythromycin primarily has a bacteriostatic effect and does not have the same efficacy as antibiotics. Moreover, Erythromycin has a significant impact on the gastrointestinal tract, which is why children are more susceptible to coughing and dry retching. It is advisable for you to stop taking the Erythromycin. Switch to Amoxicillin and combine it with Yu Xing Cao granules for mutual support. Also, drink plenty of water, avoid spicy foods, and be cautious about diarrhea. I hope this helps you, and wish you a speedy recovery!