
My daughter is 6 years old and recently has shown symptoms of tonsillitis. Besides seeking medical treatment, what should I be cautious about in her diet? Are there any suitable dietary recommendations?


When a child is suffering from tonsillitis, in addition to following the doctor’s orders for treatment, appropriate dietary adjustments can also aid in the child’s recovery. During the treatment period, it is recommended that the child’s daily diet be kept light. Consuming more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, can help boost immunity and improve symptoms. Recommended fruits include pears and apples, while vegetables can include greens, cabbage, and tomatoes. You can also make adjustments according to your child’s preferences. Additionally, it is suggested to choose soft and easily digestible foods, such as slightly softer noodles and congee. While adjusting the diet, it is also important to avoid foods that may exacerbate the condition, such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef or mutton. In addition to cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, parents should also help children develop good eating and living habits, which can contribute to a quicker recovery.