The 5-month-old child has not had a bowel movement for nearly a month, only once every two or three days, and the stool is green. The baby is particularly uninterested in feeding, being fed a mixture of formula milk and breast milk without any additional solid food. The child does not cry or fuss. What checks and medication are needed if we go to the hospital?
Based on your description, the child is likely suffering from dyspepsia. Green stool is usually a sign that food has not been digested and absorbed through bile, and having a bowel movement every three days is within the normal range. 1. It is recommended to give the child probiotic medication to adjust the intestines; 2. You can offer the child vegetable puree, potato puree, etc. These are suggestions for the question ‘What medication should a 5-month-old baby take for having a stool every two or three days?’ I hope this helps you, and wish you health!