
My child is 8 years old and has been very sleepy and not interested in eating since their fever subsided a few days ago. Is this normal? They had a fever and coughed on February 20th, and were treated at the Yabao Lu Children’s Research Institute. They received intravenous fluids, have no history of allergies or hereditary diseases, and are not eating well. Is it normal to be sleepy like this?


Your situation can be considered normal. However, due to the increased gastric juice secretion and slowed gastrointestinal motility caused by the sympathetic nervous system activation brought on by the fever, as well as the energy expenditure leading to anorexia and fatigue, this condition generally resolves on its own. Stomach-soothing medication can be administered, and if the symptoms improve, it is advisable to go to the hospital for a thorough examination. The above is a suggestion for the question ‘Is it normal for a child to be sleepy after a fever?’ I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!