
The 3-month-old baby has been bottle-fed and their bowel movements have changed from once a day to every two days, and recently even to every three days. To improve constipation, the parents added orange juice (30 milliliters of orange juice mixed with 30 milliliters of water) to the baby’s diet. However, after drinking it for two days without any problems, the baby started having diarrhea after drinking it once on the third day. Now, the baby has been experiencing diarrhea for two days, with loose stools that have an acid odor and clumps. How should this be handled?


A 3-month-old baby’s digestive function is still weak, and adding orange juice as a supplement may lead to intestinal flora imbalance and constipation. It is recommended that parents give the baby probiotics or bentonite powder to regulate the gastrointestinal tract, and ensure that the baby consumes enough water. If the symptoms do not improve within three days, the baby should be taken to the hospital for a detailed examination and treatment.