
My child is nearly 2 years old. Last night, he had a fever and his temperature reached 39 degrees. We went to the hospital this morning, and the doctor prescribed medication. However, the child vomited as soon as he took the medicine. Can he still take it?


Based on your description, it is initially judged that the child may have a fever caused by upper respiratory tract infection or other diseases. A detailed examination should be conducted to determine the cause of the illness and to actively treat under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, attention should be paid to the child’s diet, drink plenty of water, and strengthen care to avoid unnecessary effects. For viral infections, antiviral drugs such as ribavirin and Xypaoping can be administered; for bacterial infections, antibiotics such as amoxicillin can be given; for fever, ibuprofen can be used for relief, and physical cooling methods should be combined. For vomiting symptoms, vitamin B6 and other medications can be administered. The specific treatment plan should follow the professional advice of the doctor.