
What’s going on with my 7-month-old baby’s face, which has broken out in many red dots and is very itchy? The baby was a bit overdressed the other day, with the palm of their hand and forehead feeling warmer than usual, but it quickly subsided. Then, red dots appeared on their face, making it very itchy. This has caused the baby to have trouble sleeping at night and not want to drink milk, constantly crying and fussing. This has never happened before. How should we treat and care for it?


This situation could be due to eczema. You can try using calamine lotion and applying eczema zinc ointment to the affected area. Look for the cause of the outbreak and remove it. Pay attention to adjusting the diet, avoiding spicy foods that may affect both adults and children. Prevent allergens from easy-to-sensitize items such as alcohol, seafood, and shellfish, and opt for a light diet. Try to minimize external negative influences like hand scratching, external soap, and hot water scalding. Clothing should be loose-fitting and soft, avoiding products made from wool or nylon fabrics.