
My child is going to be two months old in three days and has a cough with phlegm. Today, the doctor recommended hospital treatment, but the parents did not agree, and only cough medication and two days’ worth of nebulization treatment were obtained. Can the child continue to receive vitamin AD while taking cough medication?


Cough medication is primarily used to strengthen the spleen and lungs, stop coughing, and relieve asthma, treating coughs caused by deficiency of the lungs and spleen. Children’s coughs are usually due to internal accumulation of phlegm dampness, with symptoms including thick yellow phlegm, difficulty coughing up phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing, easy sweating, poor appetite, and weakened physical strength. It is recommended to take the medication with warm water and to ensure there is at least a half-hour gap between taking the medication and feeding the child to avoid affecting the efficacy of the medication. During the illness, it is suggested to temporarily suspend the intake of vitamin AD and resume it after the condition improves.