
I experienced skin breakage after ring removal. I haven’t had a period since I got the ring in 2017 because I wanted to have a child. I had the ring removed on March 15th this year. On March 16th, I started vaginal bleeding, and I’m not sure if it’s because my period hasn’t fully ended yet. I would like to ask the doctor what to do about this situation?


The results of the sex hormone tests are all within the normal range. It’s been six days since the vaginal bleeding started on March 16th. Even though it hasn’t stopped, it is still normal. You can take Ovrette to regulate your endocrine levels. If you want to have a child, you should take care of yourself for 2 to 3 months first. Regulate your period to come once a month, and then stop taking the medication. After that, monitor the development of your ovarian follicles and adjust your sexual activity accordingly to achieve pregnancy.