
My child is now three years old and has been fond of eating soil, stones, and paper for a year now. The situation is getting worse; they are extremely greedy for these things. We’ve gone to the hospital for a check-up and found a deficiency of trace elements. However, the child refuses to take the prescribed medication. What should I do now?


Pica is an eating disorder characterized by persistent consumption of non-nutritive substances such as soil, dirt, stones, seeds, and paper, which can lead to complications such as lead poisoning, bowel obstruction, and intestinal parasites. It is often accompanied by decreased appetite and selective eating. It usually occurs in infants and children aged 1.5 to 6 years old, with boys being more common than girls. If you notice pica behavior, seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s recommendations for treatment; do not have any biases, discrimination, or hatred towards the child.