
My son’s nails seem to have grown another layer from the little finger. The original nails can be trimmed off in small pieces. He is 5 years old and is one of a set of twins. Although he mentioned that he hasn’t been pinched or hit, I noticed some blood streaks and yellowish marks. Is this normal? Could it be related to calcium deficiency, or could it be a sign of a serious illness?


Based on your description, there’s no need to be overly concerned. This could be due to nail injury or abnormal nail bed growth. It’s recommended for your child to get enough rest, maintain good dietary habits, avoid spicy or cold foods, and engage in regular moderate exercise. Also, maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial. If you still have doubts, it’s advisable to consult with a professional doctor in the orthopedic or surgical department at a hospital. Additionally, regularly check for signs of calcium deficiency or onychomycosis in the nails, and seek timely treatment if necessary.