
My child is 3 years old and pees in bed every night, 3 to 4 times. Even if I wake them up to pee, they still end up wetting the bed. During the day, they will call out when they need to go, but at night, they won’t wake up and will pee. What could be the problem? They have never received treatment and I hope to get help so that my child no longer wets the bed.


Common causes of children’s nocturnal enuresis include genetic factors, diseases and physiological factors, as well as psychological factors, such as over-excitement during the day leading to fatigue or emotional excitement. It is recommended that parents take their children to the hospital for a detailed examination to rule out potential organic diseases. Additionally, it is important to cultivate the habit of not drinking water before naps and emptying the bladder before naps, as well as training children to urinate conscious before bedtime. Parents should encourage their children to develop good sleep and bathroom habits to reduce the occurrence of nocturnal enuresis.