
My son is 8 years old. He has recently started complaining of throat pain when swallowing, accompanied by severe coughing and low-grade fever. What dietary taboo or recommendations should children follow during the treatment of tonsillitis?


When children show signs of tonsillitis, it is recommended to adopt a light diet. Vegetables and fruits are ideal choices during this period, not only because they are light and palatable but also because they are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which help boost the child’s immunity. It is suggested to choose fruits like pears, kiwis, and tangerines, as they have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Additionally, providing easy-to-swallow and digestible foods is also important, such as softer cooked noodles and congee. Parents should avoid allowing their children to consume spicy and irritating foods and drinks, and help them develop good eating habits, including maintaining dietary hygiene and health, as well as habits of not being picky or biased in their food choices.